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सार्वजनिक कला सर्वेक्षण

कृपया इस सर्वेक्षण को भरकर हमें एक सार्वजनिक कला योजना बनाने में मदद करें जो डोराविले निवासियों और उन लोगों की राय और इच्छाओं को प्रतिबिंबित करती है जो अक्सर शहर में आते हैं या सार्वजनिक सुविधाओं का उपयोग करते हैं।

Contact information will not be used by Doraville Art or shared with the City of Doraville unless permission is granted at the end of this survey.

1. Which of the following statement best describes you:
2. What is the role of Public Art? (Choose three main roles)
3. Which best describes your relationship to Public Art?
4. Where do you want to see Public Art in Doraville?
6. Which building(s) would you like most to have public art? (choose all that apply)
8. What kind of public art installations do you want to have in Doraville?
10. Would you support any additional taxes to fund Public Art?
11. What funding sources should support public art? (check all that apply)
12. What Doraville Park do you live closest to / visit most often?
14. Would you like to be engaged in the City Public Art Initiatives as: (check all that apply)

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

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